welcome to athayoga

still……..“going nowhere. doing nothing”

Yoga classes online and in Falmouth and Cornwall.

We are currently teaching online.   A limited number of community classes  will be reintroduced once restrictions have been lifted. 

Our yoga teaching is grounded in the process of using gravity, the breath, and awareness to help you develop an individualised and intuitive practise that encourages compassion, sensitivity and integrity.

We also aim to have a lot of fun, play with yoga as a creative process, and provide a safe place from which to explore the challenges of being human.

Yoga classes in Falmouth

Yoga classes in Falmouth


In our yoga classes we explore what it means to live in a human body…

we offer your body a range of asanas (postures) that consciously encourage alignment, engage with gravity and stimulate the breath. this allows you to become more aware of your body and the way it moves.

we encourage the basic desire for your body to stretch and to play with movement. This is what our bodies are designed to do, to stretch deeply and slowly can be a wonderful pleasure…

we help you to bring awareness to your breath, because releasing and opening the breath helps us to feel better and to let go all manner of physical and emotional stresses.

and we let you rest because rest helps all the other things we do make sense. Deep rest restores our tissue and cells, clears the mind and calms the soul. Rest lets the body do the best possible job of looking after itself.


Andrew & Jerusha x


Yoga classes in Falmouth and Cornwall

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